December 5, 2014

More than a year has gone by since we walked out of prison on bail. Since then we have been involved in helping get trials for some of those we met on the inside, since a great many prisoners in this facility have never had a trial or been sentenced though they have been in prison several years. We have also been involved in fighting for their timed served to count against their sentences and in helping those who are foreign to get home. This has involved providing lodging and food for them while their paperwork gets done.

Of the ones we have helped, some overtly turned to God or made professions of turning to Him. We have seen real life changes in a few, but I honestly wonder if some of them will not just return to the lifestyle that got them there in the first place. With the tendendy I have to be Eeyorish, I have lately been asking myself, "Does God even care whether or not we do this? Does He even notice when we scooch over to make room for one more disenfranchised person in our home and budget? Does it in any way change the larger scheme of things or somehow help bring in the Kingdom that we care enough to freak out when someone gets stuck in some faraway airport? Does what we do have any eternal value or is it just so much wood, hay and stubble - half the time without even the benefit of warm, fuzzy feelings? I especially wonder in the cases where I see no visible spiritual fruit.

To be continued...I'm chewing on this.



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