November 27, 2014

It's Thanksgiving. In our South American oriented family we rarely - if ever - celebrated this day with anything more than perhaps a prayer of thanks. Ironically, since all of this bizarre time has been going on, we have been putting on the dog every year for this day. I think we feel the need to affirm God's goodness as a direct stand with Him against evil - to say, with our friends and family, He IS good even when can't feel Him and to say, with Job at his best, "The LORD gives, the LORD takes away. Blessed be the name of the LORD." Aunque la higuera no florezca y en las vides no haya fruto, contodo yo me alegrare en el Senor, me gozare en Dios, mi Salvador. Te bendecimos, Jesus...(Hab 3:17 paraphrased in a Spanish song we love.) We bless you, LORD. We thank you LORD. We will not lie down, die and curse You.



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